before July 15, 2016
after July 15, 2016
  FULL 360 € 410 €
  FULL SGI member
230 € 280 €
  JUNIOR 195 € 225 €
  JUNIOR SGI member
145 € 175 €
180 € 210 €
  ONE DAY SGI member
110 € 140 €

Accompanying person (on site payment only) 100 €

Gala dinner (on site payment only) 50 €

Daily excursion 50 € [min 20 - max 50 participants]

Boat excursion to Napoli-Procida-Ischia ("Phlegrean volcanoes as seen from the offshore") 100 € - including a light lunch buffet [min 100 - max 180 participants]

Pre-congress 3-day field trip 200 € [min 30 - max 50 participants]


All Congress fees include Icebreaker party, access to coffee-point, buffet-lunches and happy hours.
Registration on site does not guarantee delivery of the Congress package (Participant bag, pen-drive with abstracts, etc.)
The FULL and JUNIOR fees include access to any of the conference rooms and the poster sessions for all the conference days, along with a complimentary SGI membership from September 2016 to December 2017 (but with no further charge); participants who do not intend to become member of SGI have to check the related box in the registration form.
ONE DAY fee gives access just for one day to be chosen.
JUNIOR registration rate is available to Bachelor, Master and full-time PhD students and post-docs. A proof of "student" status is required at the time of registration and must be delivered to the registration desk or enclosed in case of pre-registration. JUNIOR fee is available to retired persons as well.
ACCOMPANYING PERSONS will be allowed to register on-site. The related registration fee (€ 100) gives access to common spaces and lunch-area for all the conference days, but not to any of the conference rooms or the poster sessions.

On-line payments (reserved to SGI members) and payments by bank transfer (SGI members and non-members) will only be accepted by August 20, 2016. Registrations will be closed on the same day, as to allow Secretariat to prepare the Congress material in due time.
In case of payments by bank transfer made after August 20, a copy of the bank transfer must be presented to the registration desk.
All participants are invited to check the registration status through their personal page on the Congress website and to contact the Secretariat to resolve possible problems related to payments.
ATTENTION: fee payment methods will be displayed in the data summary which will be made available after the submission of the fully completed invoice form.

The Gala dinner will be held on Thursday September 8 at the monumental Cloister of Saints Marcellino and Festo. Payment will be made onsite. Due to the limited venue capacity, this option is available on a "first come, first served" basis. Therefore, all the participants interested in this option are strongly invited to express their intention in the registration form.

A show (currently being drawn up) will be held on Friday September 9 at the Church of Saints Marcellino and Festo. Although the event will be free of charge, due to the limited venue capacity, the participation is available on a "first come, first served" basis. Therefore, all the participants interested in this option are strongly invited to express their intention in the registration form.

Payment of the excursions' fee is to be settled by June 15, with the exception of the boat trip to Procida and Ischia, whose fee is to be settled by May 15.
Every excursion requires a minimum number of participants and has a maximum limit of participants. In the event an excursion does not reach the minimum number of participants, it will be cancelled. In this instance, for the post-congress excursions, participants will be contacted in case they wish to choose another excursion.
For the above reasons, the participation to the excursions is available on a "first come, first served" basis.

For registration and payment enquiries, please contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..




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