Slides and posters must be written in ENGLISH. For further information please refer to the Conveners of your session.
- Presentations will be made on computers using MICROSOFT WINDOWS and must be compatible with PowerPoint or in PDF format. Speakers should test the compatibility of their presentations in advance before delivering them to the Slide Center. No overhead projector will be available. The correct projection of movies within presentations is not guaranteed. Provided that personnel and time are available, speakers will be able to check their presentations at the Slide Center.
- The normal oral slot has a total duration of 15 minutes, including presentation, discussion and change of speaker. Therefore, speakers should prepare a talk with a maximum duration of 12 minutes, in order to allow questions from the audience and Conveners.
- Speakers will upload their presentations from USB devices at the Slide Center, following these guidelines:
1) file names should contain the session identifier followed by the surname of the presenter, e.g. "S2-Channell.ppt";
2) presenters in the morning should upload their file before 6 pm of the previous day;
3) presenters in the afternoon should upload their file before noon of the same day;
4) alternatively, authors may send in advance their presentation by email to the address This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. This option will be valid only before 1 September at 8 am, as after this time the email address will be disabled. In this case, no further version of the presentation will be accepted.
- Speakers should be present in their respective lecture rooms at least 10 minutes before the start of the session, in order to meet with other speakers and with the Conveners. Technical support will be provided in all rooms by student helpers.