- S1 Integrated mineralogy, petrology and computational modelling to decipher geochemical interactions and tectonic histories recorded by metamorphic rocks from the deep Earth
- S2 Mineralogical Crystallography and New Minerals
- S3 Georesources, geomaterials and their synthetic conterparts: occurrence, properties, utilizations/industrial applications
- S4 Minerals, environment and medical uses
- S5 Geosciences in Archaeometry and Cultural Heritage Conservation
- S6 Experimental and theoretical studies of magmatic processes
- S7 New frontiers in metamorphism and deformation-metamorphism relationships through cutting-edge analytical, experimental, numerical, and theoretical techniques
- S8 Permo-Triassic geodynamic evolution of the Western Tethys realm: insights from magmatism, tectonics and stratigraphic data
- S9 Isotopic tracers and timing of dynamic evolution of subduction zone settings
- S10 Metasomatic and refertilization processes in lithospheric mantle: unraveling the heterogeneities in mantle sources and related geodynamic systems
- S11 Mantle Petrology: from observation to calculus
- S12 Advances in Understanding Geological and Petrological Processes in the Oceanic Lithosphere
- S13 A multidisciplinary approach to unravel the evolution of basement geology
- S14 Bio-Geo materials for environmental remediation: novel approaches, technologies and case studies
- S15 Geobiology: Biosphere-Earth interactions
- S16 Planetary evolution: new insights from remote sensing, in-situ, terrestrial analogues and meteorite studies
- S17 Unveiling the Antarctica: geological, geophysical and sedimentological approaches to the evolution of Antarctica (In memory of Pietro Armienti)
- S18 Mechanical, chemical and hydraulic interactions in seismogenic fault zones
- S19 The interplay between magmatic systems and tectonics: insights from multidisciplinary approaches
- S20 Orogenesis and orogenic wedges: a multiscale and multitechinique approach
- S21 Active tectonics and seismotectonics between Northern Apennines and Southern Alps as a complex thrust belt - foredeep system
- S22 From seismic source to fault using multidisciplinary approaches: the central and southern Apennines as natural laboratory
- S23 Analogue and numerical modelling of geological processes: linking observation, interpretation and prediction
- S24 Geology-hydrogeology of karst environments and modeling of preferential flow in variably saturated fractures
- S25 Geosciences for disaster risk reduction: problems, solutions and perspective
- S26 Approaches for evaluation and protection of groundwater resources
- S27 Geologic and geothematic mapping in a dynamic country: maps, database and data dissemination
- S28 Geomorphological Hazards and Cartography
- S29 Recent advances in fluid geochemistry in active volcanic and geothermal areas: following Mariano Valenza
- S30 Legacy and new applications of stable-isotope geochemistry
- S31 Geochemistry of mercury: from noble metal to global pollutant
- S32 New developments and challenges in experimental volcanology: insights from experimental, analytical and field studies
- S33 Geosciences at school 2019