
Abstract submission for the conference SGI SIMP 2019 follows different steps and can be made through the User Control Panel.To access the User Control Panel you need to fill the "Registration form" through the "Registration" menu. For the abstract submission, authors must fill the required fields: the first field is the title, and then, the authors of the contribution as "Surname and Name initial" (e.g. Rossi, G.). Multiple authors should be separated by a comma and marked by a number related to their affiliations. In the three subsequent fields the authors should indicate (i) their affiliations; (ii) the selected "Session" through the drop-down menu and (iii) the key words.

The abstract , written in English language, and the related bibliographic references should be entered in the form with a maximum of 3000 characters (including spaces). Abstracts must be composed of text only without any tables or figures. It is forbidden to use footnotes page. Bibliographic citations in the text (included in the 3000 characters) should be indicated in parentheses: author's last name, comma, year of publication. Multiple citations must be entered in chronological order and separated by a semicolon (Ramsay & Huber, 1987; Hobbs et al. , 1990). The list of literature cited should be in alphabetical order and include all, and only, the references mentioned in the text . "Accepted" or "in press" manuscripts can be cited in the text provided that it is clearly indicate name and volume of the journals. Ph.D. or dissertation thesis can also be cited in the text. Citations are not allowed for manuscripts in preparation or pending approval for printing. The list of references should be compiled in alphabetical order on the name of the first (or only) Author, the second Author, third, and so on. More articles written by the same author/s and published in the same year must be indicated with lower case letters after the date (a, b, ... n). Authors are referred by their last name, followed by initials of the name and a dot; in the case of multiple authors, their names are separated by a comma and the last author is preceded by the "&". After the initial of the name of the last (or only) author, date of publication, followed by a dot and then the title of the paper in regular font-style. After a point, the name of the journal in regular font-style, reported according to the usual abbreviations, followed by the volume number, and page numbers separated by an en-dash (e.g.: 457-632 ). The mathematical formulas, if not recognized by the system, will be sent by e-mail as an image file (.jpg). The text can also be entered by copying from an external editor; in this case it is recommended to check the final result, paying particular attention to the presence of the accented letters. Once you have clicked the "Invia" button , the abstract will be sent to the secretariat of the conference for its evaluation. Contextually an e-mail will be delivered to the author with a summary of the entered data and a code necessary to make any changes.

Style for citation of articles:

Spakman W. 1986. Subduction beneath Eurasia in connection with the Mesozoic Tethys. Geologie en Mijnbouw, 65,145-153. Barchi M., Minelli G. & Pialli G. 1998. The Crop 03 profile: a syntesis of results on deep structures of the Northern Apennines. Mem. Soc. Geol. It., 52, 383-400.

Citation style for a book:

Ramsay J.G. & Huber M. 1987. The Techniques of the Modern Structural Geology. Volume 2: Folds and Fractures. Academic Press, London.

Style to quote a chapter in a book:

Suhadolc P. & Panza G.F. 1989. Physical properties of the lithosphere-astenosphere system in Europe from geophysical data. In: Boriani A., Bonafede M., Piccando G.B. & Vai G.B. Eds., The lithosphere in ltaly. Advances in Earth Science Research., 15-40. Acc. Naz. Lincei.

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