A seguito del processo di revisione del Comitato Scientifico alcune sessioni sono state accorpate ed altre elmininate. I lavori sottomessi per le sessioni che non hanno raggiunto il numero minimo per l'attivazione sono stati spostati in altre ritenute di maggior pertinenza. In conseguenza di questo รจ stata predisposta anche una una nuova numerazione.
P1 [S1] Integrated mineralogy, petrology and computational modelling to decipher geochemical interactions an...
P2 [S2] Mineralogical Crystallography and New Minerals
P3 [S3] Georesources, geomaterials and their synthetic conterparts: occurrence, properties, utilizations/ind...
P4 [S4] Minerals, environment and medical uses
P5 [S5] Geosciences in Archaeometry and Cultural Heritage Conservation
P6 [S6] Experimental and theoretical studies of magmatic processes
P7 [S7] New frontiers in metamorphism and deformation-metamorphism relationships through cutting-edge analyt...
P8 [S8] Permo-Triassic geodynamic evolution of the Western Tethys realm: insights from magmatism, tectonics ...
P9 [S9] Isotopic tracers and timing of dynamic evolution of subduction zone settings
P10 [S10] Metasomatic and refertilization processes in lithospheric mantle: unraveling the heterogeneities in ...
P11 [S11] Mantle Petrology: from observation to calculus
P12 [S12] Advances in Understanding Geological and Petrological Processes in the Oceanic Lithosphere
P13 [S13] A multidisciplinary approach to unravel the evolution of basement geology
P14 [S14] Bio-Geo materials for environmental remediation: novel approaches, technologies and case studies
P15 [S15] Geobiology: Biosphere-Earth interactions
P18 [S16] Planetary evolution: new insights from remote sensing, in-situ, terrestrial analogues and meteorite ...
P19 [S17] Unveiling the Antarctica: geological, geophysical and sedimentological approaches to the evolution o...
P20 [S18] Mechanical, chemical and hydraulic interactions in seismogenic fault zones
P22 [S19] The interplay between magmatic systems and tectonics: insights from multidisciplinary approaches
P23 [S20] Orogenesis and orogenic wedges: a multiscale and multitechinique approach
P25 [S21] Active tectonics and seismotectonics between Northern Apennines and Southern Alps as a complex thrust belt - foredeep system
P27 [S22] From seismic source to fault using multidisciplinary approaches: the central and southern Apennines ...
P28 [S23] Analogue and numerical modelling of geological processes: linking observation, interpretation and pr...
P29 [S24] Geology-hydrogeology of karst environments and modeling of preferential flow in variably saturated fractures
P31 [S25] Geosciences for disaster risk reduction: problems, solutions and perspective
P34 [S26] Approaches for evaluation and protection of groundwater resources
P35 [S27] Geologic and geothematic mapping in a dynamic country: maps, database and data dissemination
P36 [S28] Geomorphological Hazards and Cartography
P39 [S29] Recent advances in fluid geochemistry in active volcanic and geothermal areas: following Mariano Val...
P42 [S30] Legacy and new applications of stable-isotope geochemistry
P43 [S31] Geochemistry of mercury: from noble metal to global pollutant
P45 [S32] New developments and challenges in volcanology: insights from experimental, analytical and field studies
P48 [S33] Geosciences at school 2019
P 16 Effects of climate change on biogeochemical cycles and life evolution from the deep time to the Anth...
P 17 Planetary Climates from deep time and deep space
P 40 The C, S and halogens (F-Cl-Br-I) tale: unravelling fluids and redox processes from the subducting s...
P 21 Forensic Geology and Environmental Crimes in the Italian Legal System
P 26 Quantifying Burial and Exhumation processes during continental lithosfere deformation: inferences fr...
P 24 The Po Plain and the Adriatic Sea: geological evolution of a complex thrust belt - foredeep system
P 30 Managed Aquifer Recharge (MAR): experiments and prenormative activity
P 33 Geology and hydrology in karst environments: innovations on modelling water flow and survey and expl...
P 32 Early warning systems for geo-hydrological risk reduction. Integration of multi-source data, uncerta...
P 37 Landslides and landscapes: Identification, monitoring and risk management
P 38 Urban Geomorphology, Urban Landscape Evolution and Risk Scenarios
P 41 CO2 degassing from tectonically active areas: a crucial parameter for the geological carbon cycle
P 44 Volcanic lakes: multi-methodological and multi-disciplinary approaches for the characterization of t...
P 46 Physical Volcanology of Explosive and Effusive Eruption: Insights from multidisciplinary studies
P 47 Processes acting into volcano plumbing systems and their relationships with eruptive dynamics